previously on this Blog, I shared about the importance of fathers in our society and the roles a father can play in the early stages of a child, I didn't know that I'd have to revisit the topic again, but after posting it, I felt like I'd some how limited my self to a few words, and so I've come back to the same post to see that I can at least talk some more about the fatherhood deficiency we are facing in our generation.
see, all this never started like this, it took just a few individuals that presented them selves as ready and free vessels to be used by the devil, and use them he did, our media started to get so sexualized, the right started to be deemed wrong, and the wrong started getting praized, so today we are having a battle, sex today is no longer respected like the purpose for its creation was, and for this reason, many fatherless kids are sprouting,or we see kids born to kids, a people with no knowledge of parenthood and responsibility concern.
All this has been done by the devil, so he can break down the foundations of the family, a one organization that is so important in the fabrics of our society today.
see previously I shared with U about my relationship with my own father, and I feel I shared just a little about it, so much went on between me and my dad, and today when I look back, I can see that the many things I've gone through, were as a result of a dad that was never present in my life, both physically and emotionally. my dad never sat down with me on any single day, to help me either make an academic
or even a moral decision that would greatly affect my life, I figured out how to push on with life all by myself, and on so many occasions I made mistakes due to ignorance, and just like I might also continue to make many more cuz I don't think the learning on my side, has stopped yet, im still learning and discovering, but Just imagine if I'd had a foundation and guidance from my dad?? wouldn't I be a better man today??
I just want to urge all of us here, the ladies and gentle men that enjoy reading this blog, how about we decide to inspire some of the men that we have influence over(either direct or indirect influence) to make better fathers?? we wouldn't be struggling with things like sexism if real men stood up to be real fathers, a great generation that respects women in their capacity as women will be created, and a great legacy will be birthed, such that even when we leave, we shall leave behind us a safer world!
I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says
the Lord Almighty. 2 Corinthians 6:18
God identifies Himself as "Father" not because He is trying to act like
a human father. Human fathers are imperfect. God identifies Himself as
"Father" because He is perfect, holy, and does for people what a
perfect, holy, Father does.[cal, Bethlehem / Zion Lutheran parish
Fall Creek, Wisconsin]
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