Monday, August 1, 2011

Sounding a battle cry!

I’ve woken up in the dead of the night 4:10am to be exact to write this article, it is something I’ve had on my heart for months now, and I can’t continue living with this guilt that I’ve harbored on the inside of me for this long. Years back (I think the number is 2 now) I used to write, I used to blog and my blog was totally about issues in this country, the blog that still lives up to today (thank God for the ubiquitous internet) is titled “An Open & Concerned Heart” [] I am here again because of the situation we are facing in this nation, we are at the crossroads as a country in peril and headed for destruction, in one hand we are seeing a nation running without breaks like a headless chicken headed for the gutters and on the other we are witnessing the most callous exhibition of greed by human souls ever witnessed! And this is being perpetrated by non-other than our “beloved” elected politicians, these ones have brought this nation to its knees, not only by their rapaciousness but also because of their pompous, pitiless and inconsideration for the masses that put trust in them and asked them to represent them, entrusting them with the future of this country, they have all FAILED! Miserably to a point that would make the fore fathers of this nation like Bendicto Kiwanuka, Milton Obote, Edward Mutesa and the rest jerk up and turn in their graves if they could ever receive news of the current state of the nation they passionately bled to pioneer. I’m very sure none of these ever dreamt, even in their wildest imaginations of ever witnessing a kilogram of sugar go for a cost of 6000/=, a bar of soap costing 5000/= and a kilo of meat trading for a mind blowing 9000/= and despite this, we have a record breaking 324 members of parliament in one of the smallest nations on earth with each one of these representatives demanding for a 240M car, an investment that will be bankrolled &maintained by the tax payers who struggle on a daily basis to put bread on the table!! What in the world are we up to Uganda?? How bad can it really get honestly? Are we waiting for the return of Jesus Christ to realize that these politicians are driving OUR nation into a concrete wall? When will we wake up? When our kids start asking us “dad/mom what happened, how did we get here?” for heck’s sake, why can’t we say this is enough? Why can’t we for once stand as citizens and be counted? If not today, at least let History Judge us! In a nation with a president that boasts of peasantry support, how can basics like suga, soap, Kerosene not mentioning cloths, trade for double figures in a space of just months? Okay maybe we should defend these leaders with excuses like “oh it’s the global economic downturn” “things will get better….” Yada yada yada… maybe we should, but are they really worthy the defending? I’ll give you my answer: NO!! a big N freaking O period! None of these politicians deserve the public’s clemency and I can go as far back in time as I can, to give you more than enough reasons, but sadly I’m limited by time and space to do this, so I will rattle off with a few (reasons) that cross my mind.
The global economic downturn that Uganda seems to be getting a revelation of just now started being evidenced in 2008. Many countries in the west hit the panic button in the last quarter of 2008 I still remember the year because I was a 21year old keenly following the global events with a station that puts the world into a small radio, we continued doing so well as a nation for over a full year despite the panic in the economies the world over, ours was a tightly ran ship, the economy continued to blossom despite the hardships, we were still recording development despite. But then came the elections’-approach! The year was 2010, all common sense that can ever be required of an average thinking person with the responsibility over the nation’s future, was thrown out the window, up to now I’ve lost words for what I witnessed during the event of the just concluded elections! Money was being transported in sack-loads, people were being paid money using weighing scales, I mean like grasshoppers! The precious paper called money was being distributed like freaking grasshoppers for an entire year!! None of our politicians ever bothered to care, none fore saw the consequences of such stupidity, because if you ask me, I will go on and tell you about the first parliamentary session that was held behind closed doors so that our politicians can demand for salary increment and improved benefits! I lost interest in keeping tabs with the current pay of our parliamentarians because last time I checked their take home pay was bordering around the region of 30million Ugandan shillings in just one month! These are just politicians, with but hardly any sensible contribution to this nation, in my opinion we can have a better run country with just their shirts &ties and let go of their brains! Sometimes I wish (yes like millions of us) I wish I could disband this entire bunch of thieves, rebuild this nation on a foundation of patriotism and accountability, we could never have gotten to this point had we had leaders in power, leaders and not some selfish heartless dimwits at the helm of this nation! They have all failed us, left us for dead as they plunder the country left right and center, our wailings and tears have been mocked by these blood hungry demons of politicians, I have no kind words for none of them, they are burying us and they seem to take delight in it! It’s an absolute SHAME to say the least, we need to wake up Uganda, we need to take our stand as citizens, we should just pull the plug on these scumbags we have enough committed hearts and minds that can help us rebuild this nation, we can and YES WE SHOULD!!

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