Friday, September 25, 2009

Post-election violence; Afghans a more civil lot?

For friends that might have missed the other week's news about Kampala, we here are all just thankful to Jesus for delivering the nation from some roaming spirit of genocide. Embryonic from a needless stand-off between the government and some (Uganda's largest)ethnic group, there arose a 2day destructive riot in a couple of districts, and business in Kampala was put on hold for the two days consecutive. So tense was the situation, that lots of people lost their property, some their lives,

and others had their livelihoods threatened. The economy was hit so bad as a couple of business enterprises were completely obliterated by torching. But thanks be to God, prayers of the saints went up before His Holy Throne. The Lord heard and Healed the land, now the place is calm and still like nothing ever happened, we have our good ol'Uganda back, and we declare in the mighty name of Jesus, that NEVER AGAIN!!. see this spirit started in Rwanda, in 1994 was in Kenya 2008/2009 and now the devil felt he could have a go at Uganda, Christians here have always known, that the devil is envious of the great out pouring of the Holy spirit amongst the citizens of this nation, and for this reason he has always wanted to bring up something to stop the Flow of the manifestation of the Holy spirit, on many occasions he had failed, until he discovered one sly weapon: division of the church. yes, and it worked to a great extent, he brought different churches against each other, preachers fighting against one another, causing the flock to bicker against each other and hence the entire church (saints) fell into disarray. One thing that shocked me most was a friend of mine that had given me the prophesy about this, one month before it happened, and he gathered quite a number of prayer partners who prayed together with him as the day approached, he got the vision in 2006!!

Well, nuff for catch up don’t you think? Yea, so let's move on to our topic at hand. Post election violence: About two weeks back, Gabon held their elections and one of the candidates was their fallen president's son Ali Ben Bongo, who, if we are to go by the electoral commission results, won the elections.
An issue that sparked off massive violent riots across the country and claimed at least two lives, leaving millions of people's property destroyed. It must be noted, that Gabon is not the only country where we have seen such riots being sparked off due to voters' dissatisfaction with the election results. We saw it not far back in Iran, it happened in Kenya, Zimbabwe and a few other emergent young democracies,

whether the violence and riots ever amount to any positive change, that is for you and me to mull about. But recently, i must confess to you, i was extremely amazed, and by none other than the nation of Iran, they went into the elections with Dreadful threats against their lives, the Taliban insurgencies were stepped up as election day neared, with even an attack less than 24hours before the election day, and another in the most notable of places, the area around the presidential palace, NATO's headquarters at the core of Kabul's most fortified district, in the equivalent of Baghdad's Green Zone.

But the voters still showed up, and with passion, they wanted to exercise their voting rights, quite a number turned up, that in some polling stations, they had to go past the final voting hour, so as to give every one that had turned up, a chance to vote. In what has now become norm of all elections, once again the voters in Afghanistan were screwed by the authorities, massive election fraud was reported all over the country, especially in the south. Widespread instances of fraud in the voter registration process, with the registration rolls including "phantom voters" and multiple registration cards issued to a single registrant, amongst numerous other problems.

A European Union election observer mission said it believed as many as 1.5 million votes — including 1.1 million cast for Karzai — were "suspicious”. Two days before the election, an investigation by the BBC also found and reported evidence of widespread electoral fraud and corruption in the Afghan presidential election. With all this evident fraud, I begun to fear that on the announcing of the winner of the elections, the opposition supporters are going to cause havoc and go on a rampage, i held my breath, waited to see how bad it'd get and for how long. To my surprise, the voters seemed to take it cool, yes some made their protests vocal, but not violent, this left me amazed, and I kept wondering, how can a country that's been so ravaged by wars, insurgencies and Taliban brutality act so civil in the midst of such injustices? Are they just tired of violence? Or they just don’t think riotous responses would yield them any change? I welcome any comments from you guys about this.
In your opinion, are the Afghans a more civil lot than so many of other countries where post-election violence has occurred?


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